Thursday, September 22, 2011

Next Comes the h1 (heading 1) tag

The important thing to remember --  CONTENT is king to the major search engines.  The content I am talking about is text.  The search engine spiders read the text and tags of your site through the markup language.  The first tag the spiders read is title tag.

Next it looks at the text and the tags that give the text structure.  The first important structure tag is the h1 heading tag.  The heading 1 tag is like the chapter title of a book.  It identifies the purpose of the page.  It should also be a match with the title tag.  If your title tag content states your keywords are Dreamweaver Training Marin -- make sure your h1 tag has those keywords in it. 

Here would be an example of the h1:
You Deserve Dreamweaver Training
that is professional, understandable, and fun
Dreamweaver Training in Marin

Take Away – Your page h1 needs to have the same keywords listed in the title tag.

Next article will be the other heading tags.

Check out Web Design Classes I am teaching at Redwood High School for Adults

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